Importing devices (device profiles)

Devices can be assigned to OUs with their name and MAC address even before they connect to the Scout Server for the first time.


The devices to be created are listed in a text file in the required structure.

  1. Create a text file File with the following properties:

    • Each line contains one device with the three properties MAC address, name, OU.
    • Use commas or semicolons as separators between the properties.


  2. Run the program with the following syntax:

    scmd -u[ser] Username -p[assword] Password [-d[omain] Domain] -import ([-dontcreate] [-dontrename] [-dontmove] [-dontcreateou]) | [-createdcgonly] File

    Option Description
    required for logon to server
    -dontcreate A device is only imported if it already exists.
    -dontrename If a device already exists with a different name, the device will not be renamed.
    -dontmove If a device already exists in another OU, the device will not be moved.
    -dontcreateou A device is only imported if the specified OU exists.
    -createdcgonly The devices are only created as Dynamic Device Groups.
    File Fully-qualified file name and path of your text file