Installing a container

– applies only if you use the legacy ELIAS –

The following instructions show how to install an eLux container including all software packages that are provided on our portal for the selected operating system version.

Before you start to install, make sure you have read the topics System requirements and Preparing for installation.

  1. Run the eLuxContainer.exe1 file as administrator from a local drive.

  2. Select the installation language. Subsequently, read and accept the license terms.

  3. Select the type of server that you use as the source server for firmware updates:

    • HTTP
    • FTP
  4. Specify the access data for the FTP or HTTP server:

    Option Description Example
    Root directory Root directory of the server, local or network drive W:\inetpub\wwwroot
    C:\Program Files\inetpub\ftproot
    URL complete URL to access the server
  5. If you use FTP, in addition, specify the logon data:

    The last dialog summarizes the required hard disk space.

  6. To start the installation, click Install.

    On the web or FTP server, a UC_RP6_X64 directory is created to hold the eLux RP 6 container. The container.ini file and the software packages (.epm, .fpm and signature files ) are provided in the container. In ELIAS, you can create your own image now.

  7. If the Scout Enterprise Management Suite is already installed, connect from the Scout Console to the eLux container in ELIAS: In the Scout Console, click Options > ELIAS settings... and specify the path pointing to the newly created container on the web/FTP server.