Signing an image

Images can be provided with a signature that is verified when a device's firmware is updated. Templates can also be signed.


  1. In the Image Library, open the image you want to sign.

  2. Make sure it is saved. Click Sign.

  3. Depending on the format of the certificate, enter the path of the private key file.
  4. Depending on the configuration of the certificate, enter the password.

The generated signature file is saved in the container. A signed image is identified by a special icon next to the image name. In the overview of the Image Library, a signed image is shown by a yellow stripe in the icon.

Any changes to a signed image in ELIAS will delete the signature. After having changed and saved a signed image, sign the image again.

Any changes to a signed image in ELIAS will delete the signature. After having changed and saved a signed image, sign the image again.

The result of the signature verification is documented in the update log on the device. After the update is performed, the update log file is sent to the Scout Server and can be viewed for the selected device in the Properties window by double-clicking the Update status field.