Keyboard shortcuts

Shortcut Function
CTRL+ALT+↓ Switch between open applications to the left.
CTRL+ALT+↑ Switch between open applications to the right.
CTRL+ALT+← Switch between desktops to the left
CTRL+ALT+→ Switch between desktops to the right.
CTRL+WIN Switch from other applications to eLux: The eLux taskbar/system bar with open applications is shown.
WIN+ALT+I Open the device information
CTRL+ALT+Home Unlock the Configuration panel: Requests the local device password
CTRL+ALT+END Lock the device's screen
If user authentication is active, the user password is required for unlocking.
CTRL+ALT+Function key Switch between the consoles, if the Console switch option is enabled. For further information, see Keyboard dialog.

The following consoles are available: 
F1: eLux desktop
F4: Message console