Advanced desktop settings

System bar

Option Description
Show system bar The system bar will be displayed on the devices. Below, select its behavior and the icons you want to show on the system bar.
(selected by default)
Hide automatically The system bar is hidden by default. As soon as users point the mouse to the bottom of the screen, the system bar is displayed.
Show Desktop icon Users click this icon to minimize all open windows and show the desktop.
(selected by default)
Show live information icons These icons allow users to view current status information such as plugged USB devices via right-click.
(selected by default)
Show time Shows the current time
When users point the mouse to the time, the current date is shown.
(selected by default)
Show Config panel icon Allows users to open the device configuration (Configuration panel)
(selected by default).

Only when the Configuration panel is displayed, can the administrator unlock the configuration via device password locally on the device.

Quick Config: Quick access to Config Panel dialogs via system bar

All options are selected by default.

Option Description
Volume Volume control for input and output devices
Keyboard Keyboard language and key speed
Display Screen settings
Peripherals Settings for peripherals such as USB and Bluetooth devices, and COM ports
Network Network information and setup, disconnect/connect
Device information Information on the device
Date and time Date and time settings


Different background images can be defined for primary/secondary monitors and for the time before/after the AD logon.

Option Description
Background picture

Desktop wallpaper (default)
If further pictures are defined, this one will be used only for the primary monitor and after AD logon.
Additional picture Desktop wallpaper for secondary monitors
Background picture AD
Desktop wallpaper until AD logon (primary monitor)
Additional picture AD Desktop wallpaper until AD logon (second and more monitors)
Load Browse the file system and select a picture file. The picture file will be imported into the database.
Delete Remove the current background image from the database.
Set URL As an alternative to a picture file from the file system, specify a web address for loading pictures.

Make sure you have enough flash memory on the devices. The background image is stored in the /setup directory of the flash card.

Further options

Option Description
Sort Configuration panel The Configuration panel dialogs are displayed in alphabetical order (active by default)
Timer for shutdown confirmation2
Before the device is shut down, a message is displayed for the specified time period (in seconds). This allows users to prevent the shutdown by clicking the Cancel button or pressing the ESC key.
(deselected by default)

This option has its own user right and object right (for administrators). Both rights are enabled by default.

Desktop sort order Sort order of the desktop icons

The administrator can specify the sort order for users without the user right Sorting desktop icons. Users who have this user right can freely place desktop icons on the desktop.