Downloading software

Before you start the installation, download the .zip files required for the software you want to install:


  1. Sign in to our portal.

  2. On the Download menu, choose the relevant software:

    Option Description / Option Download
    eLux eLux Software Packages

    Latest operating system versions, LTSR1 or CR2

    • Bundle: With eLuxRP-x.x.x AllPackages-x, you can install a container including all software packages in one step3 or import into ELIAS 18.
    • Individual packages: Under Release Packages, all available software packages of an eLux version are provided for download.
    eLux eLux USB Stick Images

    Ready-to-use images for USB installation of the latest eLux version

    • <eLux CR version> Recovery Stick

    • <eLux LTSR version> Recovery Stick

    includes the Citrix Workspace-App and the VMware Horizon client to connect against a backend

    eLux eLux Portable

    eLux on a USB stick, based on latest eLux RP version

    eLux Portable (no installation needed)
    Scout Scout Enterprise Management Suite

    Latest LTSR and CR versions

    • <Scout CR version>

    • <Scout LTSR version>

    includes the installation file ScoutInstaller.exe



    Latest ELIAS 18 version for creating and managing individual images

    The Scout Enterprise Management Suite alternatively includes the legacy ELIAS program.


    • ELIAS 18 <current version> for Windows

    • ELIAS 18 <current version> for Linux

      Scout Agent for Windows

    for managing Windows devices

    Latest version
    Scout Cloud Gateway Gateway to connect your eLux devices through the Internet (latest version)
    • Virtual Machine template (.ova) or

    • Debian package

    Tools StickWizz
    Latest version (StickWizz is also included in the eLux USB Stick images)
      eLux Builder Kit (eLux SDK VM)

    Development environment

    Please contact sales(at)

    Migrate from Windows to eLux

    • Win2eLux for 64-bit Windows

    • Win2eLux for 32-bit Windows

  3. To download the relevant file, click the file name or version number.

    The software is downloaded in the form of .zip files.

  4. Unpack the .zip files.

  5. Provide the installation files such as ScoutInstaller.exe on a local hard drive.
  6. To create a recovery stick, connect an empty USB stick to a USB port. Start the StickWizz.exe application of the zip archive, and then write the image to the stick. For further information, see Creating a USB recovery stick in the eLux recovery procedures guide.