Configuring Scout Server for communication via CA certificates

This configuration is only required if you are using a certificate that has been issued by a CA.

  1. Save the certificate file locally on the Scout Server.

  2. On the server machine, in the file system under %PUBLIC%\Documents\Unicon\Scout\Server\ open the eluxd.ini file for editing.

    Add the following entries:

    Section Entry Description
    ELUXD UseSelfsignedCertificate=0 Requires a certificate issued by a CA

    Use a certificate that is not protected by an additional password.

    If you set this option (with value 0), you are required to define the next values.

    Default: 1

    ELUXD CertificateFile=Path to certificate file Path to the location of the certificate file


    ELUXD CertificateKeyFile=Path to private key file Only required, if the certificate file is not in pfx format
  3. Restart the Scout service.
  4. Ensure that the certificate check is enabled and the required root/intermediate certificates of your CA are available on the devices (Chain of trust). For further information, see Configuring the trust level on the devices.

From now on, the Scout Server will only communicate with devices that trust the CA certificate.