System requirements

The following information refers to Scout Enterprise Management Suite 15.x.

Minimum requirements for Scout Server and Scout Console

each including the relevant software updates provided by Microsoft at the time of installation

We recommend operating the Scout Enterprise Management Suite on a Windows Server system. To run the Scout Console, a Windows workstation is sufficient.

Requirements for the database system

Minimum requirements for the eLux container:

– applies only if you use the legacy ELIAS, user-defined installation –

Recommended system requirements for ELIAS 18 and MongoDB on one computer

– applies only if you use ELIAS 18, to be installed separately –

Minimum requirements for ELIAS 18 and MongoDB

If you use your own MongoDB installation for ELIAS 18, make sure that you use a current and supported MongoDB version.

Minimum requirements for the web applications Scout Board, ELIAS 18 and Scout Cloud Gateway1


For support periods and the compatibility matrix, see the whitepaper Releases, Lifecycles and Compatibility.