Configuring firmware updates
The fields Protocol, Server, Path and Image file are used to build a URL used by the devices for firmware updates. The URL address is displayed below the Path field.
For the relevant device or OU, in the Scout Console, open Device configuration > Firmware.
Edit the following fields:
Option Description Protocol Network protocol of the web server for software package transfer to the devices (HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, FTPS) Server Name (FQDN) or IP address of the web server containing the eLux software packages and the image definition file 2nd web server for VPN devices
(optional)Click to specify an alternative web server for devices connected via VPN:1 Choose the protocol (HTTP or HTTPS)2 and enter the server name as FQDN or IP address. The system displays a message if the name cannot be resolved or the IP syntax is incorrect.
(optional)Static (Consumer): IP address and port number (3128) of the proxy server
Format: IP address:port
Example: Within the subnet, one of the devices is automatically used as a proxy device.
Note that for the definition of a static proxy device, from Scout 15 2204 the entry None must be selected. For further information, see Static proxy.
User and Password
(optional)Username and password (if required) to access the eLux software container of the web or FTP server Path Directory path of eLux software packages on the web server Use slashes / to separate directories.
For ELIAS 18, specify the path name defined during installation.
Example: elias/UC_RP6_X64For the legacy ELIAS, use eluxng/<container name>
To account for different eLux major versions, use a specific parameter. For further information, see Different eLux versions.
Image file Name of the image definition file (IDF) on the web server which is used for firmware updates Depending on the object rights, an image file name may be specified or an image must be selected from the list-field. For further information, see Protecting firmware configuration.
To account for specific hardware models, use the release parameter. For further information, see Different hardware models.
To update devices with an earlier partition layout to a current version with an extended system partition, see Update to new partition layout (1.77 / 1.84 GB to 2.35 / 2.41 GB).
Check for new version on start / shutdown The device checks during start or shutdown whether any firmware updates are available and necessary. To allow users to decline or defer an update on start-up, specify the User confirmation options. For further information, see Updates initiated by the system.
ELIAS... button Starts the ELIAS tool and opens the image definition file indicated in the Image file field Security... button The Security settings allow you to define a signature check before update through the device. Signature checks can be performed for the image definition files and/or eLux software packages. Reminder... button The Reminder Settings allow you to define whether a user is allowed to defer a firmware update and for how long. Moreover, you can specify time intervals for the update reminder.
For further information, see Update deferment by users. -
Test the Firmware settings on a device . To do so, on the eLux RP 6 device, on the Command panel, click Update. For further information, see Updating the firmware in the eLux guide.
If the settings have been defined correctly, a connection to the Scout Server is set up to check whether an update is necessary.